02 February 2007

In the Future

Another Blogservation
Being trapped in the “ice storm,” I had time to think. What a strange science fiction turned reality we live in. What would be our long lost friends are available at the click of a mouse on a screen in pixels and bits and bytes. Sure, there’ll still be amigos who will slip through the tech cracks and may be lost forever, but as we get older we can compare our pot bellies to the girth of our former actual—now virtual—friends.
Say you have a friend named Scott, I hope in the future you can say, “Beam up Scotty!” and voila, a hologram homie. Then you can visit six or so old pals in an afternoon. Call it speed reacquainting, but be sure to give me credit.
By the time the ice melted I was at work on a rudimentary friend delivery system. So to everyone I can’t see regularly, which is, let’s face it—all my friends, I’m working on a solution. Did I mention I’m related to Alexander Graham Bell?

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