07 February 2007

Ground control Orlando to Houston: Houston, she’s your problem, take her back!

What I thought was the weirdest chapter of astronaut Lisa Nowak’s launch into lunacy, may not be so bizarre after all. Female ‘nauts are trained to wear diapers in deep space because it’s messier for them to relieve themselves than men. So, when Nowak strapped on the Depends she was really following orders on her deranged mission. But on her 900 mile trek didn’t she have to stop for gas? Perhaps she had rocket fuel.

NASA is considering mental health evaluations before and after takeoffs thanks to Nowak.

“Astronauts are evaluated annually by flight surgeons who can refer them to psychologists, but they are not routinely examined by mental-health specialists.”
The Miami Herald

But it’s been months since Lisa Nowak returned and in NASA’s nearly four decades of space exploration this is the first case of a homicidal love triangle.

We may never know what drove Nowak’s unhinging, or what propelled her vehicle halfway across the US without a single pit stop. Maybe it’s that all Lisas are crazy, perchance freeze-dried food withdrawal, or possibly a space creature ate Lisa Nowak and assumed her form because it wanted to tour earth. Identity theft strikes again!

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