06 February 2007

Business News Briefs

Sick as a dog, of work

Jobless as I may be, I’m still looking out for you, the gainfully employed. Two recent studies begged my two cents, and without steady income, four pennies was all I could afford.

Remember Ferris and his blissful day off? One third of the 1,650 personnel surveyed in Orlando, Florida admit to faking sick to stay home.

“Meanwhile more than one in four [of 1,150 surveyed] hiring managers said they had fired a worker for taking a sick day with no legitimate reason for doing so.” The Orlando Sentinel

Ouch! Last time I watched the aforementioned film, Bueler played hooky all the time and never got expelled. Then again, maybe some managers were just trying to sound tough and scare off potential slackers. One thing’s for sure, although the number who confessed to phony maladies dropped from 43% in 2005, someone who’s creative enough to invent a disease might lie when asked about it.

If it’s any consolation to employees canned for having a little fun, weren’t you trying to get out of work in the first place? Right, now you’ll never have to go again. To all those wriggle-out-of-work pros out there, practice those bogus coughs!

The American pipe dream heads down the tubes.

The good old American dream purportedly received a makeover, or so says MetLife’s product research.

“ ‘Where previously the American dream was defined as a combination of homeownership, a happy family life and financial security stemming from a stable career, the defining theme now is almost a singular desire for financial security,’ said Rob Henrikson, chairman and chief executive of MetLife.”
Pamela Yip

Our country’s radical new dream? In order of importance: financial security, free from want, family/children, and homeownership. Surprise! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the American dream is the same as always. Sure, depleted pensions make financial security top reverie, but all the original tenets are accounted for. As for me, I hit the hay wishing for a job I won’t call in sick to. I also still want a wii; it’d make whiling away the responsibility free hours that much more enjoyable.


Unknown said...

i don't blame workers who call in sick to get a day off, americans are overworked as it is. 40 hours a week minimum and not much vacation time leads us to strike back at our "captors". we need another labor reform, hopefully its coming. 40 hours/week is bullshit.

good that home ownership isn't as large a part of the american dream as it was in the past. houses which create suburban sprawl are often superfluous and uneconomical, tho i don't know if thats why americans are changing their attitudes. and fuck pensions. it always seemed like a free ride to me, too good to be true. work now and pay me later? put the money in a damn 401k that has my name on it, managed by a third party.

Blogservationist said...

I agree, your post on 401k was dead on.