31 March 2007

Start me up: Performster set to bring down the house

Internet startups are everywhere; everyone’s doing one, but one brilliant business team realized that not everyone knows how to start a startup, so they’re documenting their homegrown internet talent show. To my knowledge Brian Patterson and Reza are the first to breakdown a startup. Their blog (http://blog.performster.com) features videos, daily updates, a backstage pass to development and decision making with the option to leave feedback, and allows enthusiasts free pre-registration which puts your name (or email address) in a hat for a free ipod.

It’s called performster.com. Think YouTube talent show. Young entrepreneur and professional magician, Brian Patterson naturally has some tricks up his sleeve. The proposed service is going to be incredibly interactive; it’s a series of online talent contests with prizes, which advertisers can contribute to, a jury of peers (users) who vote on videos, and networking to connect fans to performers to talent agencies in any combination imaginable. And there’s more:
“…not only performers can win! We also offer blingPoints - this is our way of rewarding our happy, active site members. You’ll get points for watching videos, commenting, voting, inviting friends, uploading videos, and many other activities. You can then cash your blingPoints in for great gifts.”
It takes humble yet brave innovators to expose the inner workings of their project. It melds entertainment with education, the same way the service will marry actual talent with education. Check it out!

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