01 April 2007

Blogservations v2.1

Yes, it's Sunday, and you know what that means. Here’s some blogservations, questions and predictions I pondered this week. Most are still a mystery to me.


It’s your fault you’re late. Deal with it.

Turn signals seem to mystify most drivers, so I’ll clear it up: flip the switch up for right and down for left. Do this every time you’re about to change direction, preferably before mid-maneuver.

There are too many “greeting cards.” I got a greeting for you, “Hello, jerks, where the HELL are the birthday cards?” Although my cousin’s cousin’s vocational school graduation is important, I just want to send a birthday card. It’s already late; can’t this be a little easier?

Boring commercials (usually car related) are ruining television. Let’s march on Washington demanding they stop; I’ll lead.

I believe in mind reading, and— —yep, so do you.

Pet owners are cooking three course meals for fido, but pumping their brats full of Hot Pockets and Pop Tarts. Oh wait; the dog might actually contribute something to society one day.


Will I ever get a job I enjoy? Because, if I don’t land one soon I’m just going to find some cubicle somewhere and do whatever the hell I want. It’s a free country.

Does anyone read this nonsense?

What’s the latest whiteout innovation? Where can I get a hold of that?

What are TV and other appliance repairmen doing now people just buy new instead of getting electronics fixed?


2-D animation will make a comeback.

Entire cities will be recalled as defective, starting with Salt Lake City, Utah.

Technology and humans will integrate. See: “Robocop” or “Terminator.” Or, actually, just take my word for it.

Stranger things will happen.

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