04 November 2007

So back into it, some ideas

Turn signals! You know that little arm protruding from the left side of your steering wheel? Well, in addition to controlling the lights, high-beams, and sometimes the windshield wipers (depending on the make of your vehicle) it also functions as a turn signal indicator so other drivers can have an inkling of whether you’re turning or changing lanes. Simply flick the arm up to signal a right turn or lane change or push the arm down to register your intentions to proceed left. More online driving lessons to come; you’ll have your myblogservations driver’s license in no time! Hope you don’t mind my mug shot on it.

Great band, bad crowd. An amiga of mine, we’ll call her Amanda, because, well, that’s her real name invited me to see Spoon prove that despite their goofy name they are serious about rocking. And they played such an intimate set you forgot you were at the very cold and distant venue, the House of Blues. Some fans, on the other hand, would have been more at home at a Napalm Death concert. Amanda slinked through the crowd to get a better view, because though she’s not short, she didn’t start on her high school basketball team either. A rather tall, lanky, goofy dude became quite perturbed at her humble relocation and told her “I’ll slap the perm outta your head” and “how dare you bring a black guy to this concert?” Apparently our pal missed the all black security staff on the way in. A leggy, attractive blonde identified herself as his sister and giggled “that’s my brother; he’s crazy” when Amanda appealed to her with wide, rolling eyes. Meanwhile I was fighting my way back to my seat in the balcony amid the dirty “drop dead” looks of half a row that wouldn’t budge as I fumbled by. Normally, I avoid stepping on toes, but this night I had no choice. On my way to the bathroom nearing the end of the show a petite yet leggy and pretty blonde smashed shoulders with me like a linebacker and just kept on walking and talking to her pretty friend. Whether she was any relation to the crazy racist and sis downstairs I’ll never know. Fortunately the extended performance was worth the abuse.

Maybe I’ve belabored this point, but I’ll drum the protest up again, hydrogenated oils should have no place in any pantry. For the ignorant, it’s not an issue of choice: a triple bacon burger over a salad is a choice, hydrogenated oils are cheap fillers that manufacturers with no concern for their customer’s health inject into processed food, yet they make the choice for you and it’s a low quality selection. Even worse some products marketed as healthy contain trans fats and/or high fructose corn syrup such as high fiber cereals, Nutri-Grain bars, and whole wheat breads. It makes me cringe to see products featuring the deadly duo: hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup; why should we have to live in fear of our food? Why should we have to read labels? Why should we be fed inferior food? Want to do something about it? Visit http://www.bantransfats.com/.