16 April 2007

Virgina Tech Massacre/ Undercover medical ads

I’m back, for now, and I only have a few things to say about the Virginia Tech tragedy: “it’s contradictory that the same people against gun control are pro-life. Everything else has already been said and since Anna Niccole is no longer soaking up our short attentions the hours of VA Tech massacre coverage will be tattooed to our minds. No need to mention that yes, I did write a blog about the Anna Niccole Smith shebang, it was tongue in cheek, I suppose now my foot’s in my mouth. But what if we lived in a country where the VA Tech massacre was a daily occurence? Such places exist.

Here’s a disturbing blogservation: your sitting in the cherished waiting room of your favorite (or least favorite) Doc’s office when you notice an advertisement. The kicker is it seemingly has nothing to do with the services provided here, or so you think. In my case I was reading, minding my business waiting for my sister to emerge from the orthodontist’s torture chamber when a voice from above sings the praises of microdermabrasion procedures (repairing skin). Intermittently for the next two hours the droning continued. I blocked it out, but wasn’t able to block the question “what does this have to do with oral surgery?” from my mind. Apparently parents can enjoy the attached and affiliated spa while their little monsters get their braces installed, tightened and/or removed. Is it any wonder appointments last so long? Just put signs up pointing the direction to the spa and leave us alone. Between the ad loop and the yapping cell phone head next to me, I’ll spend the next visit in the car or on the benches outside.

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