26 January 2008

People for a better Super Bowl

As you all know by now, my New York Giants, the little team with big D made it all the way, baby. So the Bowl is much more appetizing to me already and to top it off we got Tom Petty this year. With Prince in '07 and Petty in '08 half time has never sounded better; if only the presidential candidates were so appealing. Because despite your political leaning, if you can't get behind Tommy P and the Heartbreakers, you don't deserve ears. So I'll make this easy on your eyes, I'm going to list things I don't wanna see and things I do when it comes to commercials this year. And if all else fails I suppose I'll have to make my own commercials in '09.

24 January 2008

The Infinite Internet

The Infinite Internet
What is this place
where I waste all my time?
Myspace is the decline
of western civilization...
...Amazing and graceless.
Why are 17 year olds so hot?
Maybe because they're halfway to 34, while I'm halfway to 50.
The internet overflows with useless information,
news of dead celebrities and
naked nobodies.
we're so in touch, we're out of touch
with reality.
It's easier to email than to call.
From America Online to wi-fi,
say goodbye to books, handwritten letters, yellowed newspapers and even TV.
So add the video to my digital diary, so I don't even have to type my thoughts up,
and I'll talk in codes, slang and short hand so you'll understand and see everything clearly,
under the influence of the internet; a LCD on LSD.

20 January 2008

It's that time of year again; January spells self doubt

So another year closer to middle age and still no mate. Sure, there's a girl who gave my heart a fluttering and my heart is hers, but she doesn't want it. I search the strange pages of phrases and flesh, knowing I'll never find another you. I think I want to get away again. I think I want to be on wanted posters, at least then there'd be a reward. Perhaps I'll drift endlessly and die alone.